Dog fighting: The Never Ending Battle

Why you should care:
Dog fighting is considered illegal and a felony in many parts of the world; but unfortunately, not in all. It is a serious threat to the community. Dog fighters are often involved in other crimes such as illegal gambling, illegal possession of weapons, and the selling and possession of drugs. Most dog fighters have a history of violence and criminal behavior not only towards animals but towards people as well.

The trauma and suffering that fighting dogs go through is disturbing. Fighting dogs are specifically bred, conditioned (sometimes by starvation, physical abuse, confinement, etc), and trained to fight in pits. Dog fights end when one dog is no longer willing to fight, or when one of the dogs is killed. If a dog loses a fight and lives, it is usually either shot, abandoned to die from its injuries, or electrocuted. When they are not fighting, these animals are either isolated in kennels or chained outside for most of their lives.

Dogs used in these events often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection hours or even days after the fight. Some owners train their dogs for fights using smaller animals such as cats, rabbits, or small dogs. These animals are known as “bait.”

Some dog fighters who call themselves, “dogmen,” argue that pit bulls love to fight, and that they do not feel pain during the fight.
These dogs do not love to fight – they fight because they will be killed otherwise. They do not have a choice. Furthermore, pit bulls have the same nervous system as any other breeds, and therefore, feel pain as much as any other dog.

More information on dog fighting can be found by visiting the following websites:

Knock Out Dog Fighting

Signs of dog fighting:

  • Ownership of several dogs and puppies that are confined by thick, heavy chains, or kept hidden from the public’s view.
  • Signs of a “catmill” – a device that confines a small animal such as a cat or rabbit, and encourages the dog to chase it. As a reward, the dog will be allowed to kill the confined animal.
  • Dogs with extreme and uncontrollable aggression towards other animals, especially towards other dogs. Please keep in mind, however, some dogs do possess animal aggression.
  • Dogs that possess multiple scars and wounds, some with serious infections.
  • Fresh wounds, punctures, and lacerations on dogs.
  • Dogs with shortly cropped ears that have been bitten and torn.
  • The presence of treadmills and spring poles (although this equipment may not necessarily indicate that it is used for dog fighting, as treadmills and spring poles are also used to condition dogs for weight pulling competitions or simply for exercise).
  • Blood stains in a confined area.
  • Groups of people of all ages coming and going from a site at all hours. Be suspicious if this is an abandoned property.

According to authorities, following is a list of the most common items you might find when searching a fighter’s residence.

1. Solu-Delta-Cortef + Dexamethasone (Azium) (Prednisolone or Flumethasone).
Anti-Inflamatory/anti-shock injectibles. Reduces swelling.
2. Pain Killer (Lidocaine) or any kind.
3. Vitamin K Injectible. Promotes blood clotting.
4. Lactated Ringers + I.V. Catheters & Set-Ups.
5. Injectible Antibioctics. Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, or plain Penicillin Procain are used to prevent infection of wounds. MUST HAVE.
6. Lassix.
7. Gauze and Leg Tape.
8. Pound Flesh or Caustic Powder. Helps stop bleeding.
9. Albacillian or Baytril.
10. Hydrogen Peroxide.
11. Betadine.
12. Prepodyne Swab (for ears).
13. Iodine Shampoo or Betadine Surgical Scrub (for bathing).
14. Sutures (both silk and gut), Staple Gun and Removers.
15. Derma-Clens.
16. Granulex Spray.
17. Scalpel and/or Surgical Razor.
18. Surgical Scissors.
19. Sterile Gloves.
20. Sterile Vaseline or KY Jelly.
21. Thermometer.
22. Super Glue. Used for repairing split ears and tailtips.
23. Leather Shoestring or Equivalent to be used as a tourniquet in case an artery is hit.
24. 3cc Syringes w/ 22-Guage Needles.
25. CytoMax + Canine Peak Condition (or Peak Performance).
26. Oxygen Set-up.
27. Blood Transfusion Set-up.
28. Epinephrine.

Areas that can hold dog fighting pits:
– an abandoned house
– a vacant garage
– an isolated warehouse
– a commercial or residential basement
– a secluded park
– a farmhouse or barn

If you suspect dog fighting, don’t hesitate to call authorities!